Friday, February 22, 2013

Lose It Challenge

To give myself more motivation, I signed up for a Biggest Loser type competition at work with a coworker I do yoga with and her husband. It's a 10-week competition with 51 teams participating, and the team that loses the most body fat (averaged among the three teammates) wins. Even if we don't win, hopefully this challenge will give me the push I need to lose the 13 lb to my short-term goal weight.

On Tuesday we attended a meeting to get the basics about the challenge, take a team picture (I convinced my team to do a pyramid in ours, haha), and measure our body fat. The fitness coach running the session said that 3% body fat lost would be great results to have at the end, so I guess that's my goal although I care more about the weight numbers myself. It should be totally doable to lose 13 lb in 10 weeks.

Since the last time I did the health screening 2 weeks ago, I found that my BMI and body fat numbers went down. Normally that'd be great, but I was trying to get them up to have more to lose for the challenge. It may be because I was 29 then, and I put 30 in for my age to generate my numbers this time, AND I put 5'10-1/2" for my height instead of 5'10". I'm trying to be accurate here. Plus, I somehow lost 2 lb since my health screening.

So anyway, here goes nothing! Hopefully I don't let my team down!


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