Monday, July 23, 2012

Week Twenty-One Weigh-in

Current Weight: 194.4 (up 1.4 lb)

So...I skipped a few weeks there...or six. My last weigh-in post was Week 20, so I'm calling this Week 21 and ignoring all the junk I ate in the last month and a half. If only I could ignore the pounds I gained, too. To recap, last time I tracked my weight on WW, I was 191, which means I've actually gain 3.4 pounds instead of just the 1.4. I suck at this.

I've taking up running, though. I think I can officially say that now since I got up this morning at 5 AM and went for a run before work, which makes that my third attempt at running. It's going better every time. The dog was still annoying, but she needed the run, too. I jogged for longer spurts, and my hips don't hurt as much today. If I consciously put more weight on my left leg, it seems to help.

I also had a chat with my sis-in-law (an avid marathoner) this weekend, and she encouraged me to get running shoes, too. She told me about a running store that should be walking distance from work, and my friend Pete also commented in the last post about a store on my way home from work. So I'm set there. I just have to go.

So after all my hard work, I undid all of it by going to Dunkin Donuts this morning and buying a couple doughnuts. What? I needed more K-Cups! I really, really suck at this.


  1. Hang in there! I am a WW lifetimer and have been trying to maintain over the last year (over 2 years total on the program)... U fall off, but just dust yourself off and keep at it! U CAN DO IT!

  2. I've recently taken up running, too! I'm not so great at it just yet, but I'm enjoying it more than I expected. My goal is a 5K by the end of summer. And trust me, running shoes will change your life!!

  3. I just recently gained back some pounds after losing them and it's frutrating but you have to just stay positive and keep working. I hope you get a handle on the running.
