Monday, June 6, 2011

One Gobbledygook of a Weekend Recap

I'm still kind of in weekend mode in my head at least, and I'm having some sort of a writer's block, but I did have an interesting weekend, so I'll tell you about that quickly although there are only two pictures. Pardon me if my recap is kind of choppy.

OK, so Friday, I went to a fitting after work for the fashion show at the Sustainability Fair on Saturday. The store who needed the models is called E-Collectique Runway Boutique. If you ever find yourself in Saukville, GO TO THIS STORE! Actually, you'll probably never find yourself in Saukville, but I encourage you to go out of your way when you can.  I've only bought one thing there, and that was over a year ago, but I'm sure I would've had an armful of things had I not lost my wallet earlier that day (oh yeah, I lost my wallet on Friday, too, fun times). I tried on five dresses--a few of them were from Target--but one was a Michael Kors dress for only $17!!!! I would've found a way to purchase it, but it didn't look great on me. Mikelle, the owner, who is suuuuuuuuuper nice, ended up choosing a Wayne by Wayne Cooper dress for me to wear. I wasn't familiar with the brand, but the original price tag on it said it was $200 something, and they were selling it for under $100. Then, it was time to try on some shoes. The size 10 selection was limited, but there were some cute Coach flats I saw (too small for me unfortunately). For the fashion show, Mikelle almost chose a strappy pair of Stuart Weitzman heels, which is another luxury brand I never thought would grace my feet, but a tall peep toe heel ended up looking better. I forgot to look at what that shoe was.

Saturday morning, I headed over to the church where the fair and fashion show was being held. There were three models from E-Collectique, including me, and then there were another...maybe eight models from other organizations. No one was really sure what was going on, so Mikelle ended up taking the reins and organizing everyone. There were basically two rows of chairs set up, and we were to walk in front of the first row then between the second row while Mikelle talked about our outfit. Although it was quick and a pretty disorganized, it was still fun, and it definitely will bring in more business to E-Collectique.  One of the other models (pictured below) was funny--she ended up buying both of her entire outfits that she wore for the show, the most expensive item being 7 for All Mankind jeans for only $28!

Me with another one of the models
Sunday, my parents came over to celebrate my dad's birthday and go to the Pirate Festival in Port.  They were a little late because their cat ran away that morning, so they went around to all the neighbors and called the humane society where she came from.  Luckily, she was waiting underneath a tree in their yard when they got home.  Anyway, Pirate Fest was interesting, as usual.  I would say half the crowd there is actually dressed in some sort of pirate attire--I myself was wearing a red and white striped scarf with skulls on it, so that's something.  We were only able to stay for a little over an hour until Bridget got sick of it, but I think my dad enjoyed it, and we bought him a sword there for his birthday (he's a nerd who collects swords among other things--and by the way, nerd is a term of endearment for me).

That's about it.  At the beginning of the weekend, hubby's plan was to watch movies all weekend.  We ended up watching not one movie.  Our downtime was spent cleaning, both inside and outside, and watching a lot of the first season of Glee, which hubs got me for Mother's Day.  I don't think either of us feel as refreshed as we would've liked after a weekend, which is making this Monday morning even more challenging than usual.

Bridget is turning six months old tomorrow, so to celebrate, I will be posting her birth story (for those not interested in reading it, you've been warned!) and telling you about her latest stats after we go to her appointment in the evening.

From after I got home from the fashion show and after hubs made me scrub off all my eye makeup, heh

Mommy and Me Monday at Reall, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?


  1. lovely photos..visiting for MMM..hope you can check mine My Kids:Then and Now

  2. Thanks for checking out my blog and for participating :D I look forward to wearing your suggestion soon... I enjoyed browsing through your cute blog!

  3. What a little Nate she is turning into!

  4. You crack me up!
    I wish I could have attended the fashion show Saturday! Drats! You look great though and that dress with those tights is a cute combination!

    I missed Pirate Fest. I am hoping to make it to Fish Days this year though!

  5. Mrs. T - Nate will be very happy to hear that. We usually hear that she looks so much like me.

  6. Rebekah, I just wanted to let you know that the yellow top I wore on my Sunday date should still be in Target. I got mine on Friday in the clearance section, so take a look!

  7. Oooh good to know! I'll have to check. Thanks!

  8. Grrr..commented Thursday and it didn't go through.

    That fashion show looks like fun! And, what a cutie you have!
